21 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

USDA and HHS Announce New Food Guidelines (2.24.11)

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February 24, 2011:

Congress requires that the Dietary Guidelines are updated every five years, promoting health and reduced risk of disease and obesity. These guidelines serve as the foundation for federal nutrition programs and educational efforts. The updates will effect what is served in school lunches as well as WIC food packages.

Nutrition improvement programs are now more important than ever, as 50 million Americans live in food insecure households. The new guidelines emphasize the need to improve the quality of American's diets. The new program also focuses on making sure that all Americans have access to healthy food choices and opportunities for physical activity.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans addresses the nation's obesity problem by encouraging Americans to balance calorie intake with physical activity. Increasing consumption of fruits, vegetables, fat-free or low-fat dairy, whole grains, and lean protein is recommended to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

This edition is issuing a Call to Action to support individuals and families to meet the Dietary Guidelines. Making sure that everybody has access to healthy foods and physical activity is imperative. Several strategies are outlines in the report to achieve this goal such as, access to safe and affordable nutritious foods, promoting participation in the federal nutrition assistance programs to increase food security, and to expand access to grocery stores and other sources of healthy food.

Check out the 2010 Dietary Guidelines and the official statement from the FRAC

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