7 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

The Economy Really IS Getting Better!

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How can I tell?  Books that I've been waiting for the price to go down on, even before the recession started, are finally going down--this means people are no longer clutching tightly onto their copies, and are starting to sell them as used.  Subjects range from:

  • foraging
  • food storage without electricity
  • Paleo and Primal cookbooks
  • wilderness living (hey--you never know!)
  • PDR for herbs and supplements (2012)
All  the possible stuff I figured I want to have at my fingertips should the need arise...like if the power ever went out (either by nature's doing, or my own from not being able to pay the bills).

These types of books have been on my list since about 2007, and many I've given up on because the prices weren't moving, and newer stuff was being released.  Like so many others, I was also trying to get my "just in case" library filled in.  Apparently the emergency's over for some, and they no longer feel the need to hang onto these sorts of books.  Now that the price is going down, now's DEFINITELY the time to scoop them up for tips and tricks on how to carry out the lowest-cost living for the next economic cycle (and whatever that may bring).

The relative unaffordability was originally my gauge to know the recession was real and headed my way--you can't really rely on news, because so much of it's worded purely for sensationalism and ratings-grabbing.  These books were being bought at any price and hoarded...until now. The people who SHOULD be hoarding them now are the ones who will suffer the most when the sequestration cuts happen--I'm buying them because I don't want to suffer like that!

Also, with the new economy emerging, which looks to be a low-paying, low-opportunity economy filled with machines and robots to do the work that man once did, I want to know and learn how to get by as if Hubby had no job (without resorting to federal programs--that would be pretty useless right now, right?)

What excess money we did make in the past went straight into our IRAs, but that stopped about 5 years ago.  Currently, all our excess is being poured into the mortgage (our only debt), so we at least have shelter nobody can take away from us.  With these books, I would've learned how to live in these four walls without the need for most utilities, store-bought food, or store-bought medicines.  In the future, my aim is to do the same minus the house--why pay property taxes, utility bills, various kinds of insurance, and interest (as if) on spaces I no longer use (including refrigerator and cupboard space)? 

No more TV means the living room pretty much gets used by the cats only--that's a wasted room I have to heat and cool, pay taxes on the square footage of, and insure.  My dining room, and a bedroom (formerly the pantry) also fall into the same condition--that's about half my house going to waste, so why should I pay for it?  That's money that could be going into the IRA accounts!

Let this be a lesson to all of you:  next time you see what appears to be a too-small house or apartment, ask yourself WHICH ONE IS THE WRONG SIZE?  Is it you and your lifestyle, or the actual dwelling size?  I used to think we'd pared down quite a bit before the recession even reared it's ugly head, but Paleo living, and keto eating, has given me new perspective.  My old perspective can be read about here.

Back when I lived in an apartment, I used to curse the smallness of the refrigerator because I could easily fill it half-way with vegetation--the crisper drawers just weren't big enough!  We used to eat this much vegetation WEEKLY.  Fast-forward about 4 years, and now the refrigerator's MINE and bigger, but now, I hardly use those crisper drawers--that's wasted space to keep cool.  THIS is what Paleo living's about, not just the absence of grains, beans, and the like.  It's really about getting your life down to the point where you could fit it into a cave if need be, and live quite happily.

Imagine if everyone did this...we'd all be hip-deep in unwanted food, unwanted furniture, cast off clothes, and other things just like we were just a few years ago.  Dumpster divers were everywhere,and they'd be back with a vengeance.

This house was a good refuge during the crisis, but now it's ending for just about everyone except those in government, and those whose fortunes are tied to the government through contracts and programs. It's getting near time to move on, but where do you go with cats?  Apartments around here are pet-free, meaning no pets allowed.

As I'm making my life smaller, the economy will get bigger, and soon there will once again be excess flowing into retirement accounts, but not quite as much as before--taxes will go up, prices will remain high if not go higher to match the recovery rate, and wages may continue to stagnate if not fall further.  The GDP will shrink along with my lifestyle, but all I can do is take care of myself, hence the books and why they're important NOW.  They were important about 5 years ago, but now they're what I call "affordable"--half or less than their cover price with shipping included.

These I can pass onto relatives for the next depression-sized recession (and there will be more), and tell them "this is how I got through, and this is how you'll get through."

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